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Termite Treatments Sydney Australia: 

Safeguarding Your Property
Termites pose a significant threat to properties across Australia. They are capable of causing extensive damage and financial losses.

Effective termite treatments are crucial for homeowners and businesses alike to protect their investments.

We will explore various termite treatment options available in Australia, highlighting their effectiveness, advantages, and best practices for optimal results.

Australia is home to various termite species, and the choice of treatment may depend on factors such as the type of termites, the extent of infestation, and the construction of your property.

Be very wary of DYI Termite Treatments

The trouble with DYI termite treatments is that there are so many variables.

Only a professional termite specialists will have the experience and knowledge to effectively deal with the associated problems.

For example, what happens if the termites are trapped inside the structure?  What do you do if you have heavy clay soil surrounding your home, or even worse it is built on a sandstone shelf?

Have you seen this Youtube video?

Try searching in Google for:

“DIY Termite Treatment and Barrier Protection for Under $100”

Have a look above at the lack of personal protection of the layperson doing the termiticide application.  He isn’t wearing a respirator or overalls, he is doing it with bare arms and legs, hasn’t proper elbow length chemical resistant gloves, SHEESH!

If you want very good advice on how to “Do it yourself” under our professional guidance and supervision, have a look at the following videos:

Day 1. Drilling & Planning

Video Transcript: “Hi it’s Bruce from A1 Pest Control Quakers Hill. We’re here at a job where we’re doing a a termite treatment and we’re performing a termite barrier using Termidor.

Today is a little bit overcast but that shouldn’t be a problem with what we’re doing today. We’re doing some drilling, we are going to make this happen when it’s a dry day.

It’s probably Friday by the way things are going and it’s really best that you have at least 48 hours clear of heavy rain. So that’s what we’re hoping for!”

N.B. At the very top of the Termidor label, BASF advises:

Avoid runoff. DO NOT apply to excessively wet soils, immediately after or during heavy rain.”

Video Transcript:

Client: “Yep, I went through with my drill this morning and found that a couple (of the drilled holes), especially along here, they’re hard again. So I just wanted to go through, and I don’t understand why they’re just hard again.

Bruce: “Did you reach soil though?”

Client: “I’m pretty sure I did.”

Bruce: “Yeah, that’s strange. Okay, so what we’re doing a little bit uh, quite a bit narrower than what the standards allow for with this chemical.

This chemical allows up to 450 millilitres. So we’ve done beyond the standard to get a better result, just because the soil content could be clay.

We noted before that you’d like to keep this area here clear? On the pebble-crete?”

Client: “Yeah so what I did I drilled I made sure I went in between the two slabs.

Bruce: “Yeah okay well that makes sense and so we’re going to be getting some chemical there but really on our paperwork this should be a limitation. 

So yeah, and that’s certainly up to you whether you do that.

I can understand why though because you mentioned that  you never get the pebble mix exactly right. “

Bruce: “Looks obvious, understood yeah. So this is all trenched out according to the
standards and with a nice…”

Client: “Yeah, I’ve got a moat.”
Bruce: “Oh yeah we definitely can’t spray in that with those sort of conditions.”

Client: “Yeah so even before 
yesterday’s rain and this morning’s rain, there was a little bit of water.  Like I said the problem is it just washes down from the other properties because of the hill and just comes through underneath and just keeps 
running in.  I put drainage in the backyard which makes the backyard a lot better, but not along here. “

Bruce: “Yeah.”

Client: “I’ve got to put a hole somewhere over there to try and get that water draining that way.”

Bruce: “Yeah, and underneath this water there was pebbles so most of those have been removed all the way down to clay?”

Client:  “That’s gone, it’s down to clay.”

Bruce: “So it’s it’s at least 50mm to 80mm below the 
top of the footing?”

Client: “Yes.”

Bruce: “Okay so that’s what we want.  It’s about 150 – Gee you’ve done this exact! How did you get it…?”

Client: “No, no, I used the shovel width.”

Bruce: “Yeah?”

Client: “Yeah the shovel width.

Yeah, so there’s certain spots where the footing begins. It actually comes out a little bit like that, yeah. But yeah, what I did is you just create a line with the shovel and then dig it out that way.”

Bruce: “And it’s nice job.”

“We have just got this brick here?”

Client: “Which is mortared in.”

Bruce: “It’s mortared in? “Okay yeah, that won’t be a problem. So all the membrane’s been lifted back?” Client: “Yeah, just got to be moved once again because the wind keeps flapping around with it.”
Bruce: I bought the um I want to show you the the product that we’re using, the Termidor HE and it’s got a barcode on it so that’s going to be taken note of as well.

Client: Okay yeah serial number that way you know which one was used in case something doesn’t work.

Bruce: “Yeah, there’s a $2 million warranty with Termidor and I’ll go through the information about that shortly.”

Client: “Yeah I’ll just put these back so we can walk on it when we need to.”

Bruce: “Yeah, okay great.” 

Client: “Yeah that’s been dug out as well to below the footing.” 

Bruce: “Yeah, yeah Ok so I think we’ve got a photo of this how you’ve got this situated already.”

Client: “Yeah, you should have yeah.”

Bruce: So we didn’t know whether it was treated or untreated timber?”

Client: “No, we’re not sure I don’t I think it is treated though because it’s been here
nearly 2 years I think and we didn’t see any tracks, we didn’t see any mudding anywhere.” Bruce: “Okay, so all all this of course is going to be taken up and then you’re going to have a a sand base, a river sand base or gravel base before we put the soil over the top?”

Client: “For here you mean? Well the way it is now is the way it’s going to be treated.
But then I’m just going to put
either dirt or gravel, I’m not sure yet or maybe even just leave it, I don’t know. It
really depends on whether you think it needs to have the dirt filled in or whether just to be left the way it is.”

Bruce: “Yeah so uh two ways where we can stop termites here. 

1. If the granite’s crushed to a consistency of a product called Granitgard and that way the termites can’t move through it 

2. and it’s too heavy for them to bury through and;

3. it’s too heavy for them to move away.”

Client: Okay yeah, you can it’s not crushed granite it’s even finer than that is it, or is it crushed granite?

Bruce: “Yeah it’s crushed granite it’s much finer than that.

Client: I put that there for the water to run through and to stop the dirt getting through and seep though. So that you can seep out from under the deck to go out there.  And what I’m planning on doing is trying to get a hole through there to get that to drain out that way too okay.

Bruce: “Yeah, okay that’s fine, anything that we do to get the water flow going to the drain. The soil that needs to go there if you go to a treated soil zone – that’s got to be 100 litres per cubic metre and it’s a matter of joining the horizontal barrier to the vertical barrier.

Okay so what that means we’ve got to get a treated zone here of Termidor HE on top of the gravel.

Client: Yeah, yeah, yeah.  Bruce: Okay we’ll go through that, we’ll go through the dimensions.

Client: “I just put that on for the splash going on to the framing on that.”

Bruce: “Oh, yeah okay yeah.

Client: “Once it gets you there super hard to wash and clean out.

Bruce: “Actually that’s not a bad tip, I haven’t thought about doing that before.”

Client: “Well it’s because when I spoke to Joel yesterday I asked him is it going to be splashing because I’m worried about it and he said yeah there is a little bit so I thought I’ve got cardboard, might as well just put it up.”

Bruce: “We tried to counter that, but we’ve got a yellow sponge sort of triangle that we we’ve got on that the end of the slab injector and that’s pressed down and it keeps it inside it and pressurizes the application. That is a very good thing because occasionally you do get spillage when the rod’s taken out.  Especially if it’s pressurized. There’s always going to be pressure coming back out.

Client: “Yeah.”

Bruce: “So what sort of an engineer are you? Are you a structural engineer or something?”

Client: “No, I’m a jack of all trades, master of none.

Bruce: Oh, I thought you were an engineer!”

Client: “No, no, I’m just, I’m good at following people’s instructions and what people like. I’m good at seeing what people do and I learn very quickly what needs to be done.”

Bruce: I guess it is because  you’re very precise. I think we’ve got the the rest of this on
on film already and we spoke about the taking away the wood chips.  The wood chips here and at the front (what’s it called, the trench?) all coming out at once because you told me that you had too much tracking through it.

Yeah, and they do that all the time and the dye and tint in the wood doesn’t make any difference.”

Client: No, would have expected them not to go through that but they do.”
yeah okay uh yeah so that’s great that
you get R rid of the piece of hose that
I’m going to connect that from the unit
to the to go out yes we spoke about that
because um we don’t want to provide a
water service I didn’t want to put that
now because it might get in the way of
the the treatment so I’ll just do that
after yeah okay now that that’s what
exactly what we want um that’s from the
airon the airon doesn’t get used yeah
yeah all okay um um that gel stuff here
you know we’ve seen that before do you
know what that is wasp or something is
it well I’ve done some research and it’s
a it’s a it’s not wasps I think it’s a
chemical reaction with the MTO oh I’m
surprised it’s just here yeah so I’ve
I’ve never seen any wasp building uh
this sort of stuff before but I’ve seen
a lot of you see how it’s got sort of
holes rounded holes like something’s
been in there
looks like it yeah but anyway yeah yeah
it’s it’s nowhere else this is the only
place I’ve seen it okay um and we don’t
have we’ve been here for three just over
3 years we don’t have any anything sort
of closing off or sitting here yeah so I
can’t see why it would be yeah and just
only here yeah it’s not a mud da was or
solitary wasp that does that um anyway
anytime I see any wasp start of thing
then you I’ll spray
them okay and I just uh going back onto
the history of this um the uh you first
noticed the the damage here yep a year
ago but I had no idea that that was
termite mudding no okay so um I’ve got
to torch
you and we’re not going to move the the
water no no so that’s going to stay
there um the holes that we drilled here
that we found the the concrete was too
hard too deep like I went
more than 30 cm and still didn’t get
through yeah okay and I tried two tried
going one that way under the house and
and same thing as that one yeah okay we
we’ll work with that um and clean and
then we found more over there we found
more over
yeah and that’s where they’ve done their
damage there but it seems to have
stopped there at that uh race
okay I haven’t done the I’ll do that
next week sometime oh jez they’ve got
into this um this turn up ba here
uh quite well that’s that’s what we want
we want them know yeah because it’s um
it’s smaller in
consistency yeah it’s um it was full
than that when when we put it
on Okay so so we’ll have a look at the
section thank
you and this is where we’ve got the
other bait station applied and we’re
going to be removing all that up and
across yeah until there’s no more
okay so uh we’ll do that at a later
stage we’re just going to be doing some
initial treatment today y

This is the importance of having professional pest technician completing a termite treatment for you. Should you decide to complete a termite treatment on your own, here are some important steps to follow and guidelines to follow:

  1. Hire a cable detection company to inspect your property. These companies can help to identify where underground cables and pipes are at around your property, which will help you to avoid drilling into or hitting underground cables and pipes. *Cable detection companies do not detect standard PVC piping that are underground, so caution is still needed when drilling and trenching.
  2. Never perform a treatment without proper PPE gear. Most termite treatments require you to wear a respirator, protection goggles, full length and button down overalls, elbow length chemical resistant gloves, and chemical resistant shoes. The label on the termiticide bottle will say what PPE you need, however it never hurts to use more protection.
  3. Some additional equipment you may need to complete the job includes a shovel, mattock, hand mattock, concrete drill with drill bits, bulk tank, hose to attach to the tank, bulk tank hydraulic motor, spray attachment, and slab injector.
  4. Trench and drill according to the termiticide label along the exterior perimeter and subfloor perimeter and piers. You must trench to a minimum depth of 50mm below the top of the footing (The footing can be 3 metres below the surface), and 150mm wide. You must drill at a spacing according to the label on the termiticide bottle (most will require drilling every 150mm to 200mm). You must drill straight, not at an angle, and not let the drill bend. *It is important not to drill or trench ANY area where there is concern about hitting underground pipes.
  5. Use the spray attachment to fill all the trenches with termiticide at the rate listed on the label. If there are areas in the subfloor where trenching isn’t possible, spray the entire surface area at the rate according to the label. Fill the exterior trench with the dirt and grass that was dug up, and spray the trench again at a rate according to the label.
  6. Use the injector rod to inject termiticide into the drilled holes at a rate according to the label. You can also inject into soil areas where trenching couldn’t occur due to underground cables and pipes. Finally, plug up the holes with either cement sand mix or with plastic plugs. *For cement sand mix, use cotton balls to fill the holes for the mix to set on. Mix a small amount of cement sand mix with water until it becomes a thick paste. Then fill the holes until the paste until it’s level with the concrete floor.

Here are some common termite treatment options used in Australia:

Chemical Barriers:
Liquid termiticides are applied to the soil around a building’s perimeter to create a chemical barrier. They are more correctly known as termite treated zones

These chemicals can either repel termites or be transferred among termites, disrupting their ability to moult and ultimately leading to colony elimination.

Termite Baiting Systems:
Termite bait stations are installed in the ground around a property.
Termites consume the bait and carry it back to the colony, resulting in the gradual elimination of the colony.

A1 Pest Control termite baiting systems are considered environmentally friendly.

Physical Barriers: Physical barriers serve as a formidable defense against termite intrusion into structures. Constructed from materials like stainless steel mesh or crushed rock, these barriers are either incorporated during construction or added later as a retrofit measure.

Chemically impregnated plastic sheeting can be installed during construction to create a physical barrier, preventing termites from entering a building.

Foaming Treatments: Foaming treatments entail the injection of foam termiticides into termite galleries or infested areas. The expanding foam infiltrates concealed spaces, effectively exterminating termites.

Dust Treatments: Dust treatments involve the application of termiticidal dusts into termite galleries or active areas. The termites carry the dust back to the colony, contributing to their elimination.

Many new homeowners become engrossed in the purchasing process and overlook the importance of conducting a property inspection before finalizing the purchase. We recommend two highly effective termite treatments: the Chemical Termite Barrier and the Termite Monitoring/Bait Stations. In many cases, both treatments can be applied to a property, especially if it’s prone to termite attacks.

The Chemical Termite Barrier stands out as the most comprehensive and efficient preventative treatment for homes susceptible to termite infestations. Various types of chemicals can be used, some repelling and killing termites on contact, while others allow partial entry, leading to the transfer of termiticide throughout the colony, ultimately destroying it.

On the other hand, Termite Monitoring/Bait Stations serve as an early monitoring method rather than a preventative measure. These stations, spaced at 1-3 meter intervals around the home, contain tempting pieces of timber. Regular checks enable homeowners to detect termites early. If termites are found, our firm can spot-treat them with dust, effectively eliminating them and their social associates, often resulting in the demise of the entire nest.

For further inquiries about termite treatment options or expert advice, feel free to contact us at 0417 251 911 or email us at You can also reach out directly to the owner, Bruce, at

Timber Treatments:
Timbers may be treated with termiticides during construction to make it resistant (N.B. NOT protected) to termite infestations.

This can be a preventive measure to protect against future termite attacks.

Regular Inspections:
Regular inspections by pest control professionals such as A1 Pest Control technicians are crucial for early detection of termite activity.

Early intervention can help prevent extensive damage to your home or office in Australia.

It’s important to note that the choice of termite treatment depends on factors specific to your property and the species of termites present.

Professional advice and assessment are essential to determine the most effective and appropriate treatment for your situation.

Additionally, most treatments may need to be applied by licensed professionals such as A1 Pest Control due to the use of regulated chemicals.

Always consult with a qualified pest control expert in your area for accurate guidance.

  1. Understanding Termite Infestations Before delving into termite treatments, it’s important to grasp the nature of termite infestations. Termites are small, highly organized insects that feed on cellulose-based materials like wood, causing structural damage to buildings. They thrive in warm and humid environments, making Australia a particularly suitable habitat. Termites often establish colonies underground and build extensive networks of tunnels, making early detection challenging.
  2. Chemical Barrier Treatments One of the most common termite treatments in Australia is the application of chemical barriers. These treatments involve creating a chemical barrier around the property’s perimeter to prevent termites from entering. Soil-applied liquid termiticides, such as bifenthrin and imidacloprid, are commonly used. The chemicals are non-repellent, meaning termites unknowingly pass through them, carry the toxins back to the colony, and eradicate their own population.

Chemical barrier treatments offer long-lasting protection, often lasting for several years. They require professional expertise for accurate application and periodic inspections to ensure ongoing effectiveness. Regular maintenance is crucial, as the barrier may degrade over time due to environmental factors.

  1. Termite Bait Systems  Baiting systems are another effective termite treatment option. These systems use termite attractants, placed strategically around the property, to lure termites away from the structure. Once termites find the bait, they feed on it and carry the toxic substance back to the colony, eliminating the entire colony over time.

Termite baiting systems offer targeted treatment, minimizing the use of chemicals around the property. They are environmentally friendly and pose minimal risk to humans and pets. Regular monitoring and bait replenishment are necessary to ensure continuous protection. It’s advisable to engage professional pest control services for the installation and maintenance of baiting systems.

  1. Physical Barriers  Physical barriers are an alternative termite treatment option, particularly for new construction or renovations. These barriers, typically made of durable materials like stainless steel or crushed rock, create a physical barrier between the structure and termite entry points. They are installed during the construction phase and can effectively prevent termite infestations.

Physical barriers offer long-term protection without the use of chemicals. However, they require professional installation to ensure proper coverage and integrity. Regular inspections are essential to detect any breaches or signs of termite activity.

  1. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Integrated Pest Management (IPM) combines multiple termite treatment approaches for comprehensive protection. It involves a holistic approach that includes regular inspections, preventive measures, targeted treatments, and ongoing monitoring. IPM focuses on minimizing environmental impact while effectively managing termite populations.

IPM requires professional expertise to assess the property, identify vulnerabilities, and implement appropriate treatment strategies.

By adopting IPM practices, property owners can proactively safeguard their investments and minimize the risk of termite infestations.

Termite treatments play a crucial role in protecting Australian properties from the destructive impact of termites.

Chemical barrier treatments, termite baiting systems, physical barriers, and integrated pest management offer effective solutions to combat these pests.

By understanding the available options and seeking professional assistance, homeowners and businesses can ensure long-term protection against termites.


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Safe Termite Treatments in Sydney 

 If you are hearing strange noises in your walls or ceilings, it’s important to you to know what’s going on and what action to take.

How to Identify Termite Sounds Video

If you’re interested in finding out more about the Thermal Termite Imaging process follow this link Thermal Termite Inspection. 

The top 20 termite signs specific to Sydney:

  1. Mud Tubes or Termite Mud Trails: Termites in Sydney, particularly subterranean species, construct mud tubes along walls, foundations, and other surfaces as shelter and highways between their nests and food sources.
  2. Swarms of Flying Termites: Termite swarmers, or alates, emerge in large numbers during mating season, often in warm, humid weather. Identifying these winged insects around your property, especially near light sources, is a key indicator of termite activity.
  3. Discarded Wings: After mating, termite swarmers shed their wings, leaving behind piles of discarded wings near windows, doors, or light fixtures.
  4. Termite Damaged Timber: Look for signs of timber damage, such as hollowed-out or damaged wood, particularly in areas prone to moisture, such as basements, crawl spaces, and bathrooms.
  5. Hollow-Sounding Timber: Tap or knock on wooden surfaces to listen for hollow or papery sounds, indicating internal termite damage.
  6. Blistered or Warped Paint: Moisture produced by termites as they tunnel through wood can cause paint to blister or warp, especially on exterior walls and wooden structures.
  7. Frass or Termite Droppings: Keep an eye out for accumulations of termite droppings, known as frass, which resemble sawdust or sand and may be found near termite entry points or infested areas.
  8. Tunnels in Wood: Subterranean termites create intricate tunnels, or galleries, within wooden structures as they forage for food. These tunnels may be visible upon close inspection.
  9. Bubbling or Uneven Paint: Termite activity beneath painted surfaces can cause paint to bubble, crack, or become uneven due to moisture accumulation.
  10. Sagging Floors or Ceilings: Severe termite damage can compromise the structural integrity of floors and ceilings, leading to noticeable sagging or warping.
  11. Stuck Windows or Doors: Termite damage to door frames or window sills may cause them to become difficult to open or close smoothly.
  12. Tight-Fitting Doors or Windows: Swollen wooden surfaces resulting from termite-induced moisture can cause doors and windows to fit tightly within their frames.
  13. Mud Accumulation in Joints: Check for mud-like material in joints, cracks, or crevices of wooden structures, as termites often use mud to seal entry points and maintain humidity levels.
  14. Cracked or Uneven Plaster: Termite activity behind walls can cause plaster or drywall to crack, bulge, or become uneven.
  15. Visible Termite Workers: In rare cases, you may observe termite workers foraging for food in exposed areas, particularly during periods of high humidity or temperature.
  16. Faint, Musty Odour: Some termite species emit a faint, musty odour, resembling mildew or mould. This odour may be more pronounced in areas with extensive termite activity.
  17. Discoloration or Staining: Termite-infested wood may exhibit discoloration or staining caused by fungal growth, moisture, or termite secretions.
  18. Presence of Termite Nests: Subterranean termites build underground nests consisting of mud tubes and chambers. Finding termite nests, particularly in soil or near wooden structures, indicates an established infestation.
  19. Damage to Paper Products: Certain termite species may infest paper products, cardboard boxes, or books, leaving behind shredded or damaged materials.
  20. Visible Termite Swarmers Indoors: In severe infestations, termite swarmers may emerge indoors, often near light sources or windows. Their presence indicates a mature colony nearby.

By recognizing these signs of termite activity specific to Sydney, homeowners can take proactive measures to address infestations and protect their properties from further damage. Regular inspections by qualified pest control professionals are essential for early detection and effective termite management.

What’s the Difference between building and pest reports and termite treatment?

A building inspection is conducted by a qualified building inspector, a pest report is usually carried out by a pest inspector when a buyer engages to purchases a new home and a termite treatment is the type of termite control method used to control termites.

Termites have a 200 million year evolutionary history closely related to cockroaches. They can be found right throughout Sydney. A knowledge of their biology is crucial for building and home inspections.

Termites forage for food over a large area (approximately 100 metres) in search of timber and operate and live in a central nest or colony. The worker termites partially digest the timber before returning to the nest to feed the colony. This can cause considerable damage to our homes and bank accounts, as many Sydneysiders will attest, and can happen in a matter of months.

Termites are social insects, and there are multiple castes within the colony.

On a warm, humid evening, large numbers of winged male and female termites, the “alates” or “primary reproductives”, are released by the colony.

A small number survive the flight, drop their two pairs of distinctive, equal sized wings, pair off, mate and, if they can, find a suitable locations and start a new colony.

As the other castes take over the running of the colony the young queen of most species becomes “physogastric”. Her abdomen distends to many times its original size and she becomes and egg laying machine, laying up to 1000 eggs a day. She is confined to her royal chamber, tended and fed by the workers and regularly fertilised by the king.

The eggs are removed from the royal chamber and transferred to a nursery by the workers. Here the brood (the eggs and nymphs) develops into the other castes that the colony requires for development and survival; workers, soldiers and primary or secondary reproductives.

Soldiers and Workers
Soldiers and workers are blind and sterile termites. The workers carry out the work of the colony and are responsible for gathering the food the colony needs. In most species, the heads of the soldiers are uniquely armoured and equipped to allow them to defend the colony against attack, notably from ants.

Termidor Termite Treatments

Until Termidor was released, protecting those homes involved chemicals that are repellent to householders as well as termites – and which have to be applied in a perfect, unbroken barrier.

Termidor has quickly established itself as the most effective and convenient protection for homes with no built-in barrier.

This type of termite protection doesn’t depend on a repellent barrier and actually eliminates termites rather than just repelling them. This is because termites cannot detect Termidor. It has the added advantages of low toxicity and no odour. In fact, Termidor is a soil termiticide that does not require occupants to leave the house while the treatment is carried out.

Termidor supersedes those barriers with an extremely efficient in-ground trap that termites can’t detect the Treated Zone.

Far from being repelled by a barrier, termites forage into the Treated Zone and are killed in one of three ways:

Termites that ingest or contact enough Termidor can be killed outright.

Those that only receive a low dose of Termidor become dysfunctional. The stop feeding and grooming each other, neglect their environment, become diseased and die. Many affected termites then find their way back to the colony. Other termites then receive a lethal dose through normal social interaction or cannibalism.

Long-lasting protection
Since the launch of Termidor in 1998, over 100,000 homes have been successfully treated in Australia. Pest Managers using Termidor have found local call backs to be almost non-existent, and there has not been a single product failure.

Termites infested houses which were treated in pre-release trials from 1995 onwards, remained termite-free for at least seven years.

Minimal environmental impact
We all want to protect our most valuable assets and eliminate termites from our homes, and we want to do it with as little environmental impact as possible. Whereas the termiticides used as barriers are rated Schedule 6 POISON, Termidor is in the Schedule 5 CAUTION and is the only soil treatment that is not classified as hazardous according to the criteria of WorkSafe Australia.

Although Termidor is lethal to termites, its specific mode of action is much less hazardous for humans, pets and wildlife. Termidor has the same active ingredient as a market-leading veterinary product applied to cats and does to control fleas. The active ingredient is also widely used on food crops.

As well as being highly effective, it is also easier to live with during and straight after treatment. Studies have shown that it produces no airborne residues so it is possible to remain in the house while it is treated. With other soil treatments you must leave your home for a few hours.

The Termidor Termite Elimination Program
When it comes to protecting your home from termites, you have too much to lose to rely on any one other than an experienced Pest Manager using this proven step by step approach:

  • A thorough inspection to find out whether termites are present, locate and treat their nest if possible, and identify likely trouble spots.
  • A check of the drainage and ventilation under and around your home and any other structures, with remedial action if necessary.
  • Application of Termidor to create a Treated Zone.
  • A follow-up inspection of the area within three months after treatment to make sure it has been successful.
  • Regular inspections at least annually as recommended by Australian Standard 3660.

A Building Inspection Has Found Termites – What Now?

This is what needs to be done:

  • Get in touch with a professional, experienced and insured pest control firm
  • Trench around all piers and treat
  • Trench around sub floor foundations and treat
  • Lift pavers and treat

When homeowners discover termites, choosing the right pest control company becomes crucial. Here are some common concerns they may consider:

  1. Experience and Expertise:
    • Experience: Homeowners often look for companies with extensive experience in termite control, as it indicates a higher level of expertise and reliability.
    • Specialization: Some companies specialize in termite control, which can be an advantage.
  2. Reputation and Reviews:
    • Customer Reviews: Online reviews and testimonials can provide insights into the experiences of past customers.
    • Reputation: A good reputation, especially through word-of-mouth recommendations, can be a strong indicator of a company’s reliability and effectiveness.
  3. Inspection and Treatment Methods:
    • Inspection Thoroughness: Homeowners may want a detailed inspection to understand the extent of the infestation.
    • Treatment Options: The availability of different treatment options (chemical treatments, bait systems, heat treatments, etc.) and the company’s willingness to explain them.
  4. Safety and Environmental Concerns:
    • Chemical Safety: Concerns about the safety of chemicals used, especially in homes with children or pets.
    • Environmental Impact: Preference for eco-friendly or low-toxicity solutions.
  5. Cost and Value:
    • Cost: The overall cost of inspection, treatment, and follow-up services.
    • Value for Money: Considering the effectiveness of treatment in relation to the price.
  6. Warranty and Guarantee:
    • Guarantee: The warranty or guarantee offered on the work, including the duration and what it covers (e.g., re-treatment, damage repair).
    • Long-term Protection: Availability of ongoing maintenance plans or annual inspections.
  7. Customer Service and Communication:
    • Responsiveness: How quickly the company responds to inquiries and emergencies.
    • Communication: Clarity in explaining the process, costs, and expected outcomes.
  8. Licensing and Insurance:
    • Licensing: Ensuring the company is properly licensed and certified to perform termite control services.
    • Insurance: Adequate insurance coverage for potential damage or accidents.
  9. Timing and Availability:
    • Scheduling: Availability for prompt inspection and treatment, especially if the infestation is severe.
  10. Local Knowledge:
    • Understanding of Local Pests: Knowledge of local termite species and conditions can affect the effectiveness of treatment plans.

Once termite activity has been detected a decision has to be made whether to use barriers, baits or both. Termite bait is recommended when there is not sufficient soil to carry out a white ant treatment. Bait stations are also often used to monitor existing termite activity as a front line defence against further attack.

Bait traps are placed around the perimeters of buildings and away from the barrier. Some companies use baiting systems as stand alone treatments, but we do not consider this sufficient protection. This is because baiting can take a considerable amount of time to kill off the colonies and further damage can occur in the meantime.

We prefer to use a Termidor termite dust for eradication of current activity which only takes 2 or 3 weeks to start working during Summer.

We estimate that it takes around 3-6 weeks in Winter for eradication as termite activity slows down during these months.

If there is still evidence of termites activity after dusting, the termite expert will estimate how many more dustings need to occur before colony elimination. Any evidence of termite damage will be noted after extermination is complete. Methods of termite control must conform to Australian Standards.

Call Bruce on 0417 251 911 or send us a message if you have a problem with termites.

Non-Toxic Termite Treatments in Sydney: A Sustainable Approach to Pest Control

Termites are a common and destructive pest that can wreak havoc on homes and buildings in Sydney. Traditionally, termite treatments have relied heavily on chemical-based solutions, which can be harmful to the environment, human health, and other non-target organisms. However, with the growing demand for sustainable practices, the pest control industry in Sydney has been revolutionized by the introduction of non-toxic termite treatments.

We will explore the benefits of non-toxic termite treatments, their effectiveness, and the various options available in Sydney for homeowners and building managers.

The Need for Non-Toxic and Low Toxic Termite Treatments

In recent years, there has been a growing concern about the environmental and health impact of chemical-based termite treatments. Many of the commonly used pesticides contain toxic ingredients that can persist in the environment, contaminate water sources, and pose risks to human health.

Additionally, these chemicals can have unintended consequences for non-target organisms, such as beneficial insects and wildlife.

Non-toxic and low toxic termite treatments offer a more sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative.

By using natural, biodegradable, and non-toxic products, these treatments minimize the adverse effects on ecosystems while effectively eliminating termites.

They prioritize the long-term health and well-being of both humans and the environment.

Benefits of Non-Toxic and Low-Toxic Termite Treatments

Non-toxic termite treatments offer numerous benefits for both homeowners and the environment. Some key advantages include:

  1. Environmental Friendliness: Non-toxic treatments significantly reduce the release of harmful chemicals into the environment, preserving biodiversity and minimizing pollution of water sources.
  2. Health and Safety: Non-toxic treatments eliminate the risk of chemical exposure to occupants, including children and pets. They provide a safer and healthier living environment.
  3. Long-Term Prevention: Non-toxic treatments focus on preventing future termite infestations by addressing the root causes. They offer long-lasting protection and are less likely to require frequent reapplication.
  4. Sustainable Solution: By opting for non-toxic treatments, homeowners contribute to sustainable practices and reduce their ecological footprint.

Non-toxic and low toxic termite treatments in Sydney provide an effective and sustainable solution to combat termite infestations without compromising the environment or human health.

These innovative methods, such as Always Active and Trelona termite bait stations.

What does a Termite Treatment Cost?

So how much does an average termite control cost? That is a question that I have been asked most often in my 40 plus years of being in the pest control industry. I will give you an answer to that question in a little while.
“There are various types of chemicals used to treat termites however, knowing which are safe and which aren’t oftentimes make the difference between a safe termite treatment and a treatment that can leave your family in harms way.” – Bruce



These are my favourites and what I consider to be the best termite treatments:

  • Termidor Chemical Barriers (Fipronil)
  • Premise Chemical Barriers (Imidacloprid)
  •  Trelona Termite Baits (Novaluron)

The Organochlorines

Aldrin, Chlordane, Dieldrin, and Heptachlor were commonly used prior to 1995.

These ones are the worst in my opinion as they are dangerous, outlawed back in 1995 and gave a lot of people false security. They are the dreaded Oganochlorine group of termiticides (insecticides that kill termites).

Aldrin, Chlordane, Dieldrin, Heptachlor were all meant to complement DDT. The first to go was the most persistent, Dieldrin, then Aldrin, followed by Chordane and Heptachlor.
They were also used to combat common pests such as cockroaches, ants and spiders. There was much resistance to get rid of them, but in the end the consumer won and they were banned for good in Australia from 1995. The Northern Territory held out a little longer until 1997. Only Mirex was used as a termite bait until its stocks were exhausted.

What is the Cost of Termite Treatments?

It depends. Generally speaking, for a normal 3-4 bedroom home it will cost between $2,000 to $4,000 for a chemical treatment using Termidor, Premise or Biflex. Bait systems are strongly recommended so that you have a “frontline” defense against future termite attack. Our average cost including a termite baiting system works out around $3,800.

Termite control cost is dependent on these factors;

1. How much work is there to be done? Trenching, treating Termite Damaged Timber, cutting/drilling through concrete and lifting pavers take a lot of time and trouble to implement soil barriers.
2. How much access is there? Very low subfloors make work very arduous for example.
3. Type of chemical. Termidor costs the most and Biflex the least for the Pest technician or firm to buy.

For the very best termite treatment I recommend Termidor after a thermal termite report

Treatments combined with a termite baiting system to monitor activity are your best protection in my opinion.

15 Reasons to Chose A1 Pest Control For Your Next Termite Treatment

  1. Effective Solutions for a Termite-Free Home
  2. Professional Termite Extermination Services: Say Goodbye to Termites!
  3. Safeguard Your Property with Top-Quality & Safe Products
  4. Get Rid of Termites for Good: Expert Termite Services
  5. Protect Your Home from Termite Damage: Comprehensive Termite Control
  6. Trusted Services With Loads of 5 Star Google Reviews – Protect Your Investment
  7. Proven Termite Eradication Techniques: Industry-Leading Treatment Solutions
  8. Affordable and Reliable Treatment Options: Restoring Peace of Mind
  9. Say No to Termites: Effective & Safe for Residential and Commercial Properties
  10. Don’t Let Termites Destroy Your Home: Invest in Professional Termite Treatment
  11. Prevent Termite Infestations with our Advanced Treatment Methods
  12. Quick and Efficient Termite Extermination: Choose Our Professional Services
  13. Ensure Termite-Free Living with Our Specialized Knowledge
  14. Comprehensive Termite Prevention and Treatment: Safeguard Your Property Today
  15. Industry Experts in Termite Control: Customized Treatment Plans for Every Situation

* Tip* The price of termite treatment will often be cheaper during the cooler months, as pest control firms are looking for work during these periods. Find out today on how to get peace of mind or make a logical buying decision for your current or next home by calling me on 0417 251 911 or send us a message.

Subterranean Colony Control: A Comprehensive Approach to Termite Treatment in Sydney

Termites, often referred to as “silent destroyers,” pose a significant threat to buildings and structures in Sydney due to their ability to compromise the structural integrity of wood-based materials. Among the various termite species, subterranean termites are the most common and destructive in the region. Traditional termite treatment methods have shown limitations in effectively controlling subterranean termite infestations. In response to this challenge, the approach of subterranean colony control has emerged as a comprehensive and innovative method for managing termite populations and mitigating their damage. This article delves into the intricacies of subterranean colony control for termite treatment in Sydney, discussing its principles, strategies, and benefits.

Understanding Subterranean Termite Behaviour

Subterranean termites thrive in dark, damp environments and construct intricate tunnel systems to access their food source: cellulose-rich materials like wood. Their colonies are organized into distinct castes, including workers, soldiers, and reproductives. The worker termites are responsible for foraging and gathering food, while soldiers defend the colony against potential threats. Reproductives, flying termites or “swarmers,” are responsible for establishing new colonies through mating and dispersal.

Challenges of Traditional Termite Treatment Methods

Conventional termite treatment methods primarily revolve around the use of liquid termiticides, bait stations, and physical barriers. While these methods have demonstrated some level of efficacy, they often fall short in eradicating entire termite colonies, especially those with hidden or inaccessible nests.

Liquid termiticides, for instance, may not penetrate deep enough into the soil to reach the heart of the colony. Bait stations can take time to attract termites and may not completely eliminate the entire population. Furthermore, the reliance on chemical pesticides raises environmental and health concerns.

The Concept of Subterranean Colony Control

Subterranean colony control represents a paradigm shift in termite management, focusing on the elimination of the entire termite colony rather than just individual termites. The fundamental principle is to utilize the termites’ own behaviour against them.

By introducing a controlled termite bait matrix laced with slow-acting toxins, foraging worker termites inadvertently distribute the poison to other colony members, including the queen. This disrupts the colony’s reproductive cycle, eventually leading to its collapse.

Key Strategies in Subterranean Colony Control

Colony Detection: Effective subterranean colony control begins with proper detection. Advanced technologies such as thermal imaging, acoustic emission detectors, and fiber-optic scopes aid in locating hidden termite nests and activity.

Bait Matrix Formulation: The bait matrix is carefully designed to be appealing to termites, ensuring its uptake and distribution within the colony. It includes slow-acting termiticides that allow the poison to be spread through trophallaxis (mutual feeding) among colony members.

Strategic Bait Placement: Bait stations are strategically placed around the property, following termite foraging trails. This encourages worker termites to discover and feed on the bait, initiating the distribution of toxins within the colony.

Monitoring and Adjustment:
Regular monitoring of bait stations is essential to gauge termite activity and consumption rates. The bait matrix composition may be adjusted based on observed preferences and responses.

Eliminating the Queen:
The ultimate objective of subterranean colony control is to eliminate the queen, the heart of the termite colony. Disrupting her reproduction halts the colony’s growth and eventual survival.

Benefits of Subterranean Colony Control

   Comprehensive Eradication: Unlike traditional methods, subterranean colony control targets the entire colony, ensuring a more complete and long-lasting solution.

Minimal Environmental Impact: The slow-acting nature of the toxins reduces the risk of immediate environmental contamination, and the targeted approach minimizes non-target species exposure.

Reduced Chemical Usage: Compared to conventional termiticides, subterranean colony control employs significantly lower quantities of chemicals, making it a more sustainable choice.

Long-Term Protection: By disrupting the reproductive cycle, subterranean colony control provides long-term protection against re-infestation, reducing the need for frequent treatments.

Enhanced Property Value: Effective termite control enhances property value by safeguarding it against potential structural damage caused by termites.

Subterranean colony control has emerged as a promising and comprehensive approach to termite treatment in Sydney.

By leveraging the natural behavior of termites and utilizing advanced technologies, this method provides a more sustainable, targeted, and effective solution to subterranean termite infestations.

As the field of termite management continues to evolve, subterranean colony control stands as a beacon of hope for homeowners.

Termite Treatment Solutions in Sydney: Termidor HE Barrier and Trelona Bait System

Sydney, Australia, with its subtropical climate, is prone to termite infestations, posing significant risks to residential and commercial properties. To combat these relentless pests, termite treatment options like Termidor HE Termite Barrier and Trelona Termite Bait System have emerged as leading solutions. In this technical article, we address frequently asked questions regarding termite treatment in Sydney, focusing on the effectiveness of Termidor HE and Trelona, instant termite eradication methods, and the repercussions of disturbing termite colonies.



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What is the most effective treatment for termites?

In the battle against termites, the termite treatment landscape has evolved, offering diverse strategies tailored to address varying infestation levels and structural vulnerabilities.

Termidor HE Termite Barrier and Trelona Termite Bait System stand out as two highly effective solutions favoured by pest control professionals in Sydney.

Termidor HE Termite Barrier:

Termidor HE (High-Efficiency) is a liquid termiticide renowned for its superior efficacy in creating long-lasting chemical barriers around structures. Utilizing the revolutionary High-Efficiency Delivery (HED) technology, Termidor HE ensures deeper and more uniform penetration into the soil, maximizing coverage and protection against termites.

The application process involves trenching around the perimeter of the property, followed by the precise injection of Termidor HE into the soil. As termites come into contact with the treated soil, they ingest or transfer the termiticide to other colony members, resulting in colony elimination. Termidor HE provides continuous protection against termites for up to eight years, making it an ideal choice for long-term termite management in Sydney’s challenging environment.

Trelona Termite Bait System:

Trelona Termite Bait System offers an innovative and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional liquid termiticides. This baiting system comprises discreet stations strategically installed around the property, containing cellulose bait matrix infused with a slow-acting termiticide. Termites forage on the bait and carry it back to their colonies, where it disrupts their vital functions, ultimately leading to colony eradication.

The non-invasive nature of Trelona Termite Bait System makes it particularly suitable for sensitive environments or properties with limited access. Regular monitoring and bait replenishment ensure continuous protection against termite activity, with the added benefit of minimal disruption to occupants and surrounding ecosystems.

Ultimately, the choice between Termidor HE Termite Barrier and Trelona Termite Bait System depends on factors such as property layout, termite species present, and homeowner preferences. Consulting with licensed pest control professionals is essential to determine the most suitable treatment approach and ensure comprehensive termite protection for Sydney properties.

What kills termites instantly?

The quest for instant termite eradication is understandable, given the urgency to mitigate property damage and minimize financial losses. While no method guarantees immediate results, certain strategies can effectively target and eliminate termites within a relatively short timeframe.

Direct Chemical Application: Liquid termiticides containing fast-acting active ingredients such as fipronil or imidacloprid can deliver rapid results when applied directly to termite-infested areas.

These chemicals disrupt the nervous system or metabolic processes of termites upon contact, leading to rapid mortality.

However, the effectiveness of direct chemical application depends on factors such as termite species, treatment coverage, and adherence to label instructions.

Termite Electrocuting Devices: Termite electrocuting devices, also known as electro-guns or electrocution rods, offer a targeted approach to instant termite eradication.

These devices deliver a lethal electric shock upon contact with termites, effectively killing them on the spot. While electrocution can yield immediate results for localized infestations, it may not be suitable for widespread termite colonies or concealed nesting sites.

Heat Treatment: Exposing termites to high temperatures through heat treatment can induce rapid mortality by disrupting their physiological processes.

Heat effectively penetrates deep into infested areas, reaching termites hidden within walls, floors, or furniture.

However, heat treatment requires specialized equipment and precise temperature control to ensure optimal results.

While these methods offer potential for instant termite eradication, they may not address underlying factors contributing to termite infestations or provide long-term protection against future outbreaks.

Integrating these instant-kill strategies with comprehensive termite management plans is crucial for achieving sustainable termite control outcomes in Sydney.

What happens if you disturb termites?

Disturbing termite colonies, whether inadvertently or intentionally, can have significant repercussions on treatment effectiveness and infestation dynamics.

Understanding the potential consequences of termite disturbance is essential for minimizing risks and optimizing termite control efforts.

Defensive Behaviour: When termites perceive a threat or disturbance, they may exhibit defensive behaviours to protect their colony and queen.

These behaviours include releasing alarm pheromones, increasing tunnelling activity, or abandoning current foraging sites in favour of new locations. Such responses can complicate treatment procedures and impede efforts to monitor termite activity effectively.

Disruption of Treatment: Disturbing termite-infested areas during treatment application can compromise the efficacy of selected treatment methods.

For instance, physical disturbance of chemical barriers may disrupt the continuity of the barrier or displace termiticide-treated soil, rendering it less effective in repelling or eliminating termites.

Similarly, disturbance of bait stations may deter termite foraging activity or disrupt the establishment of bait consumption by colony members.

Colony Survival Strategies: Termites possess remarkable resilience and adaptive capabilities, enabling them to recover from disturbances and continue their destructive activities.

In response to disturbance, termites may alter their foraging patterns, relocate their colony to less accessible areas, or accelerate reproductive efforts to replenish colony numbers.

These survival strategies can pose challenges for ongoing termite management and necessitate proactive measures to prevent resurgence.

To minimize the adverse effects of termite disturbance, homeowners and pest control professionals should prioritize careful planning, precise execution, and regular monitoring of treatment protocols.

By adopting strategic approaches to termite control and minimizing disruptions to termite colonies, it is possible to achieve sustained protection against termite infestations in Sydney.

Termite treatment in Sydney requires a multifaceted approach that integrates effective solutions like Termidor HE Termite Barrier and Trelona Termite Bait System with targeted strategies for instant termite eradication and mitigation of disturbance risks.

By leveraging the synergies between these treatment methods and adopting proactive measures to address homeowner concerns, pest control professionals can deliver comprehensive termite protection tailored to the unique needs of Sydney properties.

By using our termite treatment strategies, home-owners can safeguard their investments and enjoy peace of mind knowing their properties are safe against the threat of termite infestations.

"We first used A1 Pest Control a few years ago when we noticed a few termites under a wine barrell in the rear yard of our home. We asked A1 Pest Control Sydney to pay us a visit to have a thorough termite inspection of our home. Bruce and his crew were on time, and very well presented. They explained how they would get rid of the termite infestation using a low toxic method and how their Thermal cameras worked, It worked very well and now we can sleep at night!"
Gary and Carol Harman
"We have been using Bruce form A1 Pest Control for over 4 years now. We bought our new house on the Hills Area, and moved in. our neighbours had problem with rodents and spiders so they are using A1 next door. I asked them if they could come over and treat our house too, as i didn't want to chase pest around our home. The service was not only effective, but carried out without any smelly fumes that we have experienced in our last house. They solved problem next door and I haven't seen a bug since."
Melissa Topper
"A1 Pest Control exterminators where great! I'm very happy to say that they solved a bed bug problem that I had after we had visitors from overseas visit us. I would recommend A1 Pest Control to anyone needing a safe and effective treatment of bed bugs"
Amanda Wu
"Bruce solved our commercial pest control problem in Castle Hill. Cockroaches were throughout our factory and they were completely gone after two visits from his exterminators. Just seeing one cockroach can lose us clients. I know now everyhing is ok, and our reputation is intact"
Raj Beri, Europa International
"Bruce from A1 Help us get rid of a bad spider infestation that have been troubling us for a while. It was done with low toxic spray and his crew even game me some cockroach and ant baits to get rid of them. I have recommended A1 to all my friends and family"
Carmel Thomas
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