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A1 Pest Control Penshurst

Are you in Penshurst, NSW area and after pest control?

A1 Pest Control has been servicing the Penshurst area for 40+ years dealing with cockroaches, termites, ants, insects, rats, and mice. 

No matter your problem we have you covered with our fast affordable service, with over 150 happy customers on our Google business page, A1 Pest Control are your go-to pest control service in the area.

A1 Pest Control uses low-toxic and non-toxic pest control methods and customized treatment plans that will get rid of pests in your home and will prevent near future problems from taking place.

Penshurst Pest Control Services

We are just a small family-owned firm, & have always survived in business by a straightforward “secret”. That’s giving our customers precisely what they are searching for– reliable and trustworthy service at an economical price.

Your “peace of mind” is our task! We have been very successful at treating pests such as Bed Bugs, Bee Removal, Termites, Spiders, Cockroaches & Ants, with our safe and low toxic treatments

Our Pest Management Services Include:

Our Clients Include:

Hills District Pest Control Van
A1 Technician Bruno

A Local Pest Control Service You Can Trust

We are Commercial Pest Control and Termite Treatment experts. We also have experience and accreditation in Tick Control, Rodent Pest Control and Termite Baits. Need urgent help with Termite Inspections Sydney or Flea Treatment Sydney?

Please call Bruce, a termite expert on 0417 251 911 for any questions about termites or emailing

Our Team at A1 Pest Control are proud to be a 100% Australian-owned service, which is a rarity in our sector. For more than 40 years, we have offered top quality pest control solutions in the Hills area, as well as the St George area.

We also work in the Castle Hill, Baulkham Hills and Hills District areas.

We take enormous enjoyment and pride in providing our nearby community and providing a high-quality pest control service that is effective, economical, and risk-free for adults, children, and pets. If your residence or business needs pest control services, contact us and check out our 100% pest-free assurance.

Flea Control Sydney – How to get rid of Fleas

“Flea Control in Sydney – Effective Strategies for Eliminating Fleas”

Bruce Gow, a certified Pest Controller, shares his expertise in tackling flea infestations in Sydney.

With over seventy to eighty species of fleas in Australia, the cat flea and the dog flea are the most prevalent, typically black or brown and measuring 1-6mm in length. Cat fleas, found on dogs and cats, are more common.


“Grass Fleas” & “Sand Fleas”

Dispelling Myths:
Bruce addresses the common myth of “sand fleas” and “grass fleas,” clarifying that fleas cannot survive in grass or sand alone. Instead, they inhabit these areas after being shaken off by pets. To combat fleas, regular pet washing with residual flea shampoo is crucial.

While vacuuming helps in mild cases, professional intervention becomes necessary for severe infestations.

If these nasty, itching pests are a problem for you, please call us without delay on 0417 251 911, or fill in form for a free quote and advice about fleas and Pest Control Sydney Metro

Flea Characteristics:
Fleas are wingless jumping insects with flattened bodies, utilizing hooks on their legs to grip hosts. Their powerful hind-legs, equipped with resilin similar to rubber, enable them to jump up to 20cms vertically and 35cms horizontally—over 150 times their body length.

A human with the same sort of jumping power could easily jump right on top of Uluru! (Ayres Rock).

Life Cycle:
Female fleas lay up to 25 eggs daily, leading to over 800 offspring in a lifetime. Eggs hatch within five to fourteen days, developing into blind, leg-less larvae.

Larvae feed on dried blood and organic matter, maturing into pupae after two to three weeks.

Pupae emerge as adults upon sensing vibrations or heat, initiating the biting and feeding cycle. The entire process can take weeks to over a year.flea-life-cycle-small

Flea Control Methods:
The A1 Pest Control team  recommends shampooing pets every 2 weeks in summer and monthly in winter using safe, residual insecticides like Permethrin.

Home preparation involves removing children and pets, clearing floor and lawn areas, and vacuuming extensively. Blocking off pet entry points is crucial for long-term protection.

How they will greet you after you return from holidays!

Whenever vibrations or even heat is sensed, the pupa will emerge as an adult and begin biting and feeding off the host. This may take from two or three weeks, or in rare cases over a year. This is why after you return from holidays & enter your home, you are suddenly bitten by large amounts of fleas. Sound familiar?

FLEA CONTROL: Our Flea Guarantees

If you follow all of our directions over the phone, and of those given to you onsite by our technician, we may offer you a rock solid guarantee of satisfaction! Please inquire about this offer at any time by calling us on 0417 251 911, or fill in the form.

Fleas are firstly controlled by shampooing your pet with a safe, residual insecticide. Your vet may have recommended a very safe insecticide called pyrethrin, but this will only last a day.

The shampoos we recommend contain “Permethrin”, which are technically called a synthetic pyrethroid. There will last a lot longer and aren’t as dangerous and smelly as are other Organo-phosphates such as Diazinon & Maldison.

Tip: Look at the active ingredients section at the front of the bottle or can. Always follow the application and safety directions on any flea pest control product.

We recommend that you shampoo your pets every 2 weeks in the summertime and about every month in winter.

Preparing your home for flea treatment.
On the day of treatment, these things should be done before we get there:

  1. Remove all children & pets from the areas about to be sprayed
  2. To get the maximum benefit of the treatment, remove all objects from the floor & lawn areas
  3. We cannot spray long grass, as it will not get to the ground area that needs to be treated. Mow lawns & hose dry areas to get the eggs to the surface. This will also help keep the evaporating effect of the insecticide down.
  4. Vacuuming all floor areas and carpet, especially skirting boards & under furniture & cushions. Vacuum bags can be discarded or sprayed with common fly spray in order to kill any adult fleas captured within the bag.
    This is vital for long-term protection. If your pet is going under the house carrying fleas, these will be dropped into the soil. We cannot flood the area to get to where they are breeding, as the amount of pesticide that is need would be dangerous to your pet and to yourself.So the answer to permanent flea relief is to block entry permanently so that your pet cannot enter. I’m sorry, but that is the ONLY answer. Otherwise it will be an endless cycle of fleas being killed outside, and being picked up again when your pet goes underneath your house.
  6. The bedding of your pets is to be thoroughly washed or thrown away prior to treatment
  7. An Insect Growth Regulator (or I.G.R.) may also be used in tablets which are added to your pet’s food. You can get I.G.R.s from your vet. A common trade names are called “Programme” or “Pro-ban.”
  8. After our treatment your pet should be washed again ASAP after the treatment with shampoo or a residual flea powder.

If you use these simple methods will get your pet and home flea-free within just a few days in minor infestations, to about one month in more severe cases.

Are you renting? See our End of Lease Flea Treatment and End of Lease Pest Control pages for some quick tips. 

Is YOUR home protected? Remember A1 Pest Control for your home’s complete termite and flea pest control systems.

Call us today on 0417 251 911 or send us a message today for advice or free quotes!

Flea Control Methods

Flea Guarantee:
Following A1 Pest Control’s instructions grants a satisfaction guarantee. Shampooing pets with safe insecticides and preparing the home for treatment are key steps.

We suggest insect growth regulators (IGRs)be used in flea treatment for added protection.

Non-chemical methods of prevention and control

Cleanliness is an important prerequisite to flea control.

Maintaining cleanliness is vital, with thorough cleaning of floors, carpets, and pet-favoured areas.

Outdoor and subfloor areas should be addressed to disrupt flea breeding environments. Exclusion of rats and other small mammals also helps prevent flea problems.

Insecticidal control

Insecticides and growth regulators (IGRs) are applied strategically, considering the extent of infestation.

Cooperation with pet owners is essential, emphasizing the treatment of both premises and pets simultaneously.

Our technicians don’t undertake treatment of pets. This is the job of yourself or your veterinarian.

The animal may be taken to a pet wash professional for de-fleaing.

In any case, only products specifically registered for flea control on pets should be used. These may be powder formulations or washes. Even if the treatment is entirely successful in killing all the adult fleas on the animal, re-infestation is usually only a matter of a short time if the pet is allowed to range widely or mix with other pets away from the home. some pet owners seek longer-term protection of pets from adult fleas with insecticidal collars or with a program of ingestion of a systemic insecticide. Pet owners should consult their vet about matters dealing with the direct treatment of their pets.

Improvements in the treatment of pets against fleas have seen a significant reduction in the amount of flea control work undertaken by pest control operators. Thorough vacuuming of the premises, prior to treatment with insecticides, can be advantageous.

If you do this, it is advisable that the contents of the vacuum cleaner be incinerated or sprayed with an appropriate insecticide.

Some types of insecticide formulations and methods of application are summarised as follows:

Surface spraying – The types of insecticides most commonly used in flea control are organophosphorus, carbamate, synthetic pyrethroids and IGRs as emulsifiable concentrates, wettable powders or suspension concentrates. These materials may have a residual life of up to a few months, depending on conditions.

As carpets and rugs must be treated indoors, the choice of an insecticide with low mamalian toxicity is clearly desirable.

Indoors, surfaces treated should, within safety constrains, include all surfaces that may harbour eggs, larvae, pupae or adults.

Typically, carpets, rugs, areas under rugs, crevices in upholstered furniture, floorboard cracks and wall-floor joints may all require attention. Outdoor areas and subfloor areas may require attention.

It is sometimes advisable to wet such areas with a hose prior to penetrate into dry, dusty soil.

Dusting – Dusts, though not often used in flea control, can be useful for the treatment of areas where spraying is difficult or dangerous.

The treatment of roof or wall voids and basements can, if necessary or appropriate, be carried out using dust formulations. Present a complex problem and effective treatment will rely on the co-operation of the occupants. Steps to consider include.

1. Determining the extent of flea activity.
2. Arranging treatment of pets (for adult flea control).
3. Advising thorough vacuuming and cleaning.
4. Applying insecticides carefully, aiming at all the possible habitats that larvae or other stages may infest.
5. Advising the occupants of the importance of regular attention to pets and the importance of cleanliness in the home.

Once the premises and surrounds have been cleaned and treated at the same time as the pets have been treated, and provided the pets have been restricted from the treated areas, control should be established within a week or two. Heavily infested or chronically infested homes may take longer to fully gain control and may need additional treatments at an additional expense.  This is a scenario that doesn’t suit every homeowner but, once the vet advises on the most appropriate systemic flea control, the pets are likely to bring home fewer adults that will survive to establish a new infestation. If you have a current flea infestation, it it is not unusual to take 2-3 months to gain 100% control. No insecticide can instantly kill eggs or pupae. See A lot of clients assume that 100% effectiveness should be obtained immediately after treatment, and this is simply not the case unless it is an early, light occurrence of fleas.

To hasten the effectiveness of our insecticidal management, we incorporate IGRs (insect Growth Regulators) which inhibit the moulting process and breaks the breeding cycles. At all times, our main goal is to protect you, your family, pets and the environment.

Flea control is a collaborative effort, combining chemical methods with client-directed preventive measures.

We emphasize the importance of regular pet care and cleanliness to achieve long-term flea control.

While immediate results may not be apparent, patience and continued efforts are key to complete flea eradication.

Penshurst Termite Control

Managing termites can be a challenging task, for effective termite control we recommend regular inspections of your residential or commercial property, at the very least once a year in cooler areas and twice a year in the milder areas of Sydney.

Termite Tips

Pest Control Fiddletown - Nasute termites in wall cavity

A Five Year Warranty

We are so confident of our work that we are able to supply a Five (5 )Year Warranty to 95% of our termite work for active termites or termite protection as a preventative measure against white ant attack. It is a condition of the warranty that we regularly inspect completed work so that we can keep track of any changes in the environment.

Please call Bruce, an expert termite assessor, on 0417 251 911 for any questions about termites.

Termite Inspection Penshurst

The Penshurst area is classified as a high risk for termites, as is the rest of Sydney. A1 Pest Control service Penshurst produce reports that consists of eleven pages and digital photos upon request, that outline the current state of your property.

Termite inspections are designed to detect termites at early stages to avoid server damage to your house, once your house is inspected and the report is conducted we can then move ahead with termite control and treatment method if need be.

It is highly recommended a termite inspection report is carried out at least once every twelve months and every three to six months for high-risk locations.

Pest Fumigation Service

Fumigation is one of the most successful approaches of termite control in the USA, as they are plagued by dry wood termites that only exist there. Fumigation in America requires the substantial use of toxic chemicals such as Methyl Bromide and tenting off the house for a number of days while the pest treatment takes place.

There are several techniques of managing a termite infestation, including baiting, chemical barriers, and fumigation. Don’t be deceived by the term “fumigation”. This technique is rarely used on termite infestations in Australia and is a layman’s term used to describe a gassing technique that we don’t use (as it is too toxic).

Gone are the days when you were forced out of the family home for hours and even days!

The kind of treatment method recommended is reliant on building construction and environmental conditions and depends on the species of termite. Not all methods work on all kinds of infestation.

End of Lease Flea Treatment in Penshurst

If you rent a domestic house or commercial building, it is important to carry out a flea treatment once the contract runs out.

One of the most annoying types of pests in domestic buildings is fleas. The sources of a flea infestation are dogs and cats. “Grass” fleas or “Sand” fleas are misnomers for what is normally the cat flea, which attacks both dogs and cats. Pets can easily pick up flea larvae, or grown fleas from other animals. They then rapidly transfer them into the home: infesting bed sheets, carpets, rugs, and other parts of the home.

If your domestic or small business property needs end of lease flea treatment, do not hold back to consult with us, a pest control contractor you can trust.

Risk-Free & Non-Toxic Solutions

Our company offers a 100% guaranteed to keep your home or business place pest-free. At Penshurst Pest Control we strongly believe in high-quality service and advancement. That is why we use environmentally friendly solutions that are low-toxic or non-toxic and safe for use in your property. If you need highly accurate thermal termite inspections or pest reports, we are happy to supply them as well.

Throughout the last 40 years, we have developed a track record for keeping our clients happy and pest free, A1 is your go-to pest control company.


Searching for “Pest control Near Me?

In case your house or business is in the Penshurst area (or adjoining areas) and you need vermin treatment, do not be reluctant to talk with A1 Pest Control.

We are a family-owned one 100% Australian company situated in Bella Vista along with more than 40 years of qualified expertise and expertise in pest control professional services. We love offering our area, and our location helps us recognise your pest problems even better. So, if you are looking for ‘pest control near me’, search no further.

Penshurst Pest Control provides a complete scope of pest control services from termite, ants, and rodent treatment, to end of lease flea treatments, pest reports, and termite inspections. Find out why A1 Pest Control has excellent Google reviews and carries out child and pet-friendly pest control solutions in Penshurst Area.

Opening Hrs:
Monday 9am–5pm
Tuesday 9am–5pm
Wednesday 9am–5pm
Thursday 9am–5pm
Friday 9am–5pm
Saturday 9am–2pm
Sunday Closed

"We first used A1 Pest Control a few years ago when we noticed a few termites under a wine barrell in the rear yard of our home. We asked A1 Pest Control Sydney to pay us a visit to have a thorough termite inspection of our home. Bruce and his crew were on time, and very well presented. They explained how they would get rid of the termite infestation using a low toxic method and how their Thermal cameras worked, It worked very well and now we can sleep at night!"
Gary and Carol Harman
"We have been using Bruce form A1 Pest Control for over 4 years now. We bought our new house on the Hills Area, and moved in. our neighbours had problem with rodents and spiders so they are using A1 next door. I asked them if they could come over and treat our house too, as i didn't want to chase pest around our home. The service was not only effective, but carried out without any smelly fumes that we have experienced in our last house. They solved problem next door and I haven't seen a bug since."
Melissa Topper
"A1 Pest Control exterminators where great! I'm very happy to say that they solved a bed bug problem that I had after we had visitors from overseas visit us. I would recommend A1 Pest Control to anyone needing a safe and effective treatment of bed bugs"
Amanda Wu
"Bruce solved our commercial pest control problem in Castle Hill. Cockroaches were throughout our factory and they were completely gone after two visits from his exterminators. Just seeing one cockroach can lose us clients. I know now everyhing is ok, and our reputation is intact"
Raj Beri, Europa International
"Bruce from A1 Help us get rid of a bad spider infestation that have been troubling us for a while. It was done with low toxic spray and his crew even game me some cockroach and ant baits to get rid of them. I have recommended A1 to all my friends and family"
Carmel Thomas
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